Source code for nbless.nbconv

#!/usr/bin/env python
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple

from nbconvert.exporters.base import get_exporter

[docs]def nbconv(in_file: str, exporter: str = "", out_file: str = "") -> Tuple[str, str]: """Convert a notebook into various formats using ``nbformat`` exporters. :param in_file: The name of the input notebook file. :param out_file: The name of the output file. :param exporter: The exporter that determines the output file type. :return: A 2-tuple of the output file's 1) name and 2) contents. :note: The exporter type must be 'asciidoc', 'pdf', 'html', 'latex', 'markdown', 'python', 'rst', 'script', or 'slides'. All formats except 'HTML' require pandoc. Exporting to pdf requires latex. """ in_path = Path(in_file) if not out_file and not exporter: print("Setting exporter to HTML!") exporter = "html" elif out_file and not exporter: out_path = Path(out_file) ext_exp_dict = { ".asciidoc": "asciidoc", ".adoc": "asciidoc", ".asc": "asciidoc", ".pdf": "pdf", ".html": "html", ".tex": "latex", ".md": "markdown", ".py": "python", ".R": "script", ".rst": "rst", } if out_path.suffix in ext_exp_dict: exporter = ext_exp_dict[out_path.suffix] else: print("Unable to infer exporter type from output filename!") print("Setting exporter to HTML!") exporter = "html" contents, resources = get_exporter(exporter)().from_filename(in_file) if not out_file: name = in_path.stem + resources.get("output_extension", ".txt") return name, contents else: return out_file, contents