Source code for rmdawn.rmdawn

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import re
from typing import List
from pathlib import Path

[docs]def rmdawn(in_files: List[str]) -> str: """Create an R markdown file from YAML, markdown, and code files. :param in_files: A list of YAML, markdown, and code file names. :param return: A string containing the output R markdown file. """ return "\n\n".join([ # YAML files "---\n" + Path(name).read_text() + "\n---" if name.endswith((".yaml", "yml")) # Code files that start with knitr spin comments else re.sub("#\+ (.*?)\n", r"```{\1}\n", Path(name).read_text()) + "\n```" if Path(name).read_text().startswith("#+") and name.endswith((".py", ".r", ".R")) # R files that do not start with knitr spin comments else "```{r}\n" + Path(name).read_text().strip() + "\n```" if name.endswith((".r", ".R")) # Python files that do not start with knitr spin comments else "```{python}\n" + Path(name).read_text().strip() + "\n```" if name.endswith(".py", ) # All other files (markdown, txt, etc.) else Path(name).read_text() for name in in_files ])