Source code for rmdawn.extract

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Helper functions to extract substrings from strings."""

[docs]def extract_after(source: str, start: str) -> str: """Extract all of the characters after ``start``. :param source: The input string from which to extract a substring. :param start: The substring that marks the extraction starting place. :param return: A substring that is extracted from ``source``. :note: The ``start`` string is not include in the result. """ return source[source.find(start) + len(start):]
[docs]def extract_before(source: str, end: str) -> str: """Extract all of the characters before start. :param source: The input string from which to extract a substring. :param end: The substring that marks the place where extraction will end. :param return: A substring that is extracted from ``source``. :note: The ``end`` string is not include in the result. """ return source[:source.find(end)]
[docs]def extract_between(source: str, start: str, end: str) -> str: """Extract all of the characters between start and end. :param source: The input string from which to extract a substring. :param start: The substring that marks the extraction starting place. :param end: The substring that marks the place where extraction will end. :param return: A substring that is extracted from ``source``. :note: The ``start`` and ``end`` strings are not include in the result. """ return source[source.find(start) + len(start):source.find(end)]