Source code for rmdawn.catren

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional

from rmdawn.rmdawn import rmdawn
from rmdawn.render import render

[docs]def catren(in_files: List[str], rmd_file: Optional[str] = None, out_file: Optional[str] = None, out_format: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Create an R markdown file from source files and then render it. :param in_files: A list of YAML, markdown, and code file names. :param rmd_file: The name of the intermediate rmd file. :param out_file: The name of the final output file. :param out_format: The format of the final output file. :note: If ``out_format`` is not provided, the output format will be inferred from the ``out_file`` argument. To create an html notebook, the ``out_format`` must be ``html_notebook``. For slides in html or pdf format, the ``out_format`` must be - ``slidy_presentation``, - ``ioslides_presentation``, - ``beamer_presentation``, or - ``revealjs::revealjs_presentation``. """ if rmd_file: Path(rmd_file).write_text(rmdawn(in_files)) render(rmd_file, out_file=out_file, out_format=out_format) elif out_file: rmd_file = Path(out_file).stem + ".Rmd" Path(rmd_file).write_text(rmdawn(in_files)) render(rmd_file, out_file=out_file, out_format=out_format) else: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w") as ntf: ntf.write(rmdawn(in_files)) render(, out_file=out_file, out_format=out_format)