Too many file names to type out? -------------------------------- The easiest way to handle large numbers of files is to use the ``*`` wildcard in the shell. .. code:: sh nbuild source_file* -o notebook.ipynb You can use the ``ls`` command to assign all of the relevant names in the current directory to a variable and pass this variable as an argument. Consider the example below: .. code:: sh touch {01..09}.py name_list=`ls 0*.py` nbuild `echo $name_list` In Python environments, ``os.listdir`` can provide a list of all files: .. code:: python from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(mypath) if isfile(join(mypath, f))] To preserve the order and differentiate files that should be incorporated into the notebook, it may be helpful to left pad file names with zeros (e.g. ``01\``, ``02\_figure1.R``). This works well for R scripts, but Python files that start with numbers cannot be imported.