R and Python interoperability ----------------------------- All of the Nbless functions and commands work for Python *and* R code, with the caveat that ``nbexec`` and ``nbless`` require the kernel argument to be set to ``ir`` if R code files (``.R``) are included. If you want to execute a Jupyter notebook that contains both R and Python code, you will have to put the R code in Python scripts (``.py``) and use the `rpy2 `__ Python library with the default kernel (``python3``). Code files extracted from code cells with ``nbraze`` must all have the same extension (e.g. `.py`). If the ``language_info`` key is defined in the Jupyter notebook metadata, ``nbraze`` will try to infer the programming language. You can also run the Nbless functions in an R environment using the `reticulate `__ R package. All Nbless functions and commands rely on the `nbconvert `__ and `nbformat `__ modules that are included with the ``jupyter`` Python library. The command line interface relies on the `click `__ Python library.